Ezekiel 23

Ezekiel 23

Ezekiel 23 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

“Playing harlot” can generally refer to any type of sinful behavior. In this case, it would be idol worship and trust in foreign nations that would seal Judah’s fate. Specifically, in verses 11-14, Ezekiel writes of how Judah gave herself up to both the Assyrians and the Chaldeans (Babylonian Empire).

Consider for a moment how God saw these actions. By definition, promiscuity is considered to be casual. Without a thought to the consequences, decisions which carry lifelong ramifications are haphazardly executed. The paradox of such a decision is quite obvious. Promiscuity makes a huge sacrifice for such an uncommitted partner.

Promiscuity is also random and careless. There are low standards to achieve the desired effect. Anyone will do as long as the need is met. This kind of selfishness ignores any long-term consequences for the benefit of instant gratification.

There is a reason God used this allegory. The shoe fit. Judah had casually and carelessly given themselves over to the neighboring nations. Not only this, they had broken their vow with their first love. Though God had delivered them, provided for them, and instructed them. Yet, they still went and searched for a cheap imitation.

The truth is, we do this all the time. We gorge ourselves on comfort food when we are feeling depressed. We give our entire lives to our jobs so we can make more money and finally be happy. We unleash our rage on someone who has wronged us because they deserve it. We scour the internet for videos that will make us feel validated in our worldview. These are just a few examples.

Our God has given us (the bride) a Savior (the bridegroom). In Him are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Through Him, we find everything we need for life – truth, grace, love, faith, and hope. How quickly we forget everything He has given us for identity and purpose in this life!

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