Song of Solomon 8

Song of Solomon 8

Song of Solomon 8 Commentary

by Brad Boyles

As Hank has written, this chapter is the 1 Corinthians 13 of the Old Testament. In these verses, we find four essential qualities of love.

  1. It is unstoppable and inevitable within a Godly marriage
  2. It burns brightly as a reflection of God
  3. It perseveres all things, even when storms and floods overwhelm
  4. It is a priceless gift which cannot be bought or coerced, but only given away

What I appreciate about this story in Song of Solomon is that it is not a perfect love story. No marriage is perfect, and I would argue that in order to actually possess the type of love the Bible describes, you must experience conflict. True love is not a fairytale ending with all your hopes and desires.

True love means sacrificing when you have nothing left. It’s continuing to trust and believe in someone despite how they may treat you. It’s a commitment that goes far beyond reason and logic. The love that is described in this chapter is a covenant that is sealed until death. It’s a beautiful picture of God’s design for marriage. I believe that if we follow it, we will reap a massive harvest of fruit.

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